
Lundaspelen is played according to FIBA rules, except for the following changes.

Game time

Categories U13-23 + WC play 2x15 minutes running time except for the last 3:00 minutes of the second half and overtime periods when stop time will be applied. During stop time the clock will be stopped both if the game is stopped by a referee and if a team scores. The clock will NOT be stopped if the game is stopped by the referee or if a team scores with more than 3:00 minutes remaining and the clock then reaches 03:00.

Throughout the game the clock will always be stopped if a player receives a fourth foul and if for any reason the referee signals for it.


Each team is given one time-out per half. The time-out from the first half may not be transferred to the second half. In the case of overtime, no new time-outs are given but if you haven’t used the one from the second half you may use it during overtime.

After a time-out the clock will be started when the ball is touched by a player on the playing court except if the game is resumed with free-throws. Then, during running time the clock will be started when the shooter gets the ball and during stop time when the ball is touched by a player on the court after the last free-throw.


Substitutions may only be done during a dead ball situation. When the ball is dead the substitute will call for the player he is substituting. Once that player has left the court the substitute may enter the court and become a player. The referee will not call for a substitution, nor hold the ball or delay the game during substitutions.

Penalty for incorrect substitution: First time official warning, second time B-technical foul.


Four personal fouls are allowed. When a player receives a fourth foul the game clock should be stopped until the player has been substituted.

Team fouls are penalized on the 8th foul in each half.

Any disqualified player (D-foul, not GD or F), team member or coach may not participate in the next game.

Shot clock

The shot clock is unobserved but the referee can signal for 10 seconds left of the offense if a team, in the judgement of the referee, is deliberately delaying the game or if the ball does not touch the basket in due time.

Uniform colours

The first team named in the schedule, Team A, shall wear light coloured shirts. The second team named in the schedule, Team B, shall wear dark coloured shirts. However, if the two teams agree they may change the colours of the shirts. 

Ball size

Girls U13 to U23 play with ball size 6.

Boys U15 to U23 play with ball size 7.

Boys U13-U14 plays with ball size 6.


Overtime periods

Regulation ties are decided by overtime played 1x2 minutes until the winner of the game is decided. The overtime period is regarded as a prolonging of the second half meaning all fouls committed during the second half will count as team fouls also during overtime. No new timeouts are given but if you haven’t used the one from the second half you may use it during overtime. The possession arrow is applied at the start, and throughout, the overtime. The clock will be stopped according to the rules of the 3 last minutes of the second half.


The categories U12-U11 are played according to the Easy Basket rules from the Swedish Basketball Federation. Check Special rules in these this categorys "  Games rules U11 & U12  " and "  Mini Lundaspelen U11  "

Protests and questions

Protests must be written and left with the court-official in the arena no later than 15 minutes after the game. The protest fee is 500 SEK and must be paid when filing a protest (the fee is refunded if the protest stands). The jury’s decision cannot be overruled. Members of the tournament jury:

  • Sara Månsson, FIBA referee and Tournament head of referees

  • Caroline Svensson, Former Swedish national referee and Tournament head of referees

  • Peter Kozak, Lundaspelen committee 

Questions during the tournament will be answered by Jacob Fors, Kajsa Wiezell or Nils Gjörup at the Lundaspelen office.

+46 46 15 94 94 /  lundaspelenbball@gmail.com

/Version 2022/